




NKFtool requires nkf to be installed in your system. Major Unix-like operating systems offer its precompiled version in their package management systems.

For example, nkf can be installed with apt-get command for Ubuntu OS:

sudo apt-get install nkf`

or, with Homebrew for MacOSX:

brew install nkf


NKFtool also requires Julia v1.0 or above.

To install NKFtool using Julia's packaging system, enter Julia's package manager prompt with ], and run

    (v1.1) pkg> add NKFtool

Convert a string

The nkf command can guess the encoding of Japanese texts.

To guess the encoding of a string from, use nkf_guess(from::String)

julia> nkf_guess(raw"こんにちわ")

julia> nkf_convert( raw"こんにちわ", "-j") |> nkf_guess

julia> nkf_convert( raw"こんにちわ", "-e") |> nkf_guess

julia> nkf_convert( raw"こんにちわ", "-s") |> nkf_guess

To convert the encoding of a string from, use nkf_convert(from::String, options="-w -m0").

The second parameter options is passed to the nkf command to specify its action.

The default of options is -w -m0 (output encoding is UTF-8, no MIME decode), which keeps the encoding of Julia's standard strings, i.e., UTF-8.

julia> nkf_convert(raw"こんにちわ")

julia> nkf_convert(raw"こんにちわ", "-w -m0")

To convert the encoding, the output encoding option, only one of -j (ISO-2022-JP), -s (Shift_JIS), -e (EUC-JP) and -w (UTF-8), should be specified. The input encoding option, only one of -J, -S, -E and -W, may be specified if you know the encoding of the input string from.

nkf_convert function returns the output text string. Because in Julia strings in the encoding other than UTF-8 are not printable , it is a good practice to encode them to printable characters with e.g. Base64.base64encode(), as follows:

julia> using Base64

julia> nkf_convert( raw"こんにちわ", "-j") |> base64encode

julia> String(base64decode(ans)) |> nkf_convert

Convert a text stream

nkf_guess function accepts input text stream for the first argument.

nkf_convert function also accepts input text stream for the first argument.

See the following code using nkf_guess(from::IO) to guess the encoding of a text file.

julia> open("hello_sjis.txt","w") do f
           print(f, nkf_convert(raw"こんにちわ", "-s"))
       encoding=open("hello_sjis.txt") do f
           nkf_guess(f)  # <==

The following code using nkf_convert(from::IO, options="-w -m0") is to convert a text file from Shift_JIS encoding to UTF-8 encoding and to read it as Julia's string.

julia> hello_utf=open("hello_sjis.txt") do f
           nkf_convert(f, "-w -m0")  # <==